- Apr 18 Fri 2014 07:28
- Apr 18 Fri 2014 06:02
- May 06 Sun 2012 10:06
- May 06 Sun 2012 10:03
有一天和老公去以配菜好吃聞名的 BBQ 店 Community Q -- 北美其他地方我不清楚,不過美國東南方傳統菜的吃法是在主菜 (一般是肉類) 之外,加上幾樣配菜,常見的有馬鈴薯泥,玉米麵包,細絲捲心菜沙拉 (cole slaw),起司通心粉 (mac and cheese),燉烤豆子(baked beans), 布朗斯維克燉菜肉 (brunswick stew) 還有南方常見,與燻肉和醋一起悶煮的綠葉甘藍菜 (collard greens)。一般去餐廳點菜也是如此,菜單上列出各種主菜,客人點菜後可以再自選2 ~ 3 樣配菜。
- Apr 26 Thu 2012 03:22
(抱怨文) 碎嘴人
搬來 Atlanta 這一年裡,新認識很多人,大多是老公先前會一起 hang out 的朋友,還有他們的另一半。這群人裡面,男生都不難相處,女生嘛,則完全相反。
- Mar 16 Fri 2012 23:56
Noonday Demon - Andrew Solomon
"His truth shall compass thee with a shield: thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night./Of the arrow that flieth in the day, of the business that walketh about in the dark: of invasion, or of the noonday demom" - "ab incrusus, et daemonio meridiano." Cassian presumed that "the terror of the night" refers to evil; "the arrow that flies in the day" to fiends that come in sleep; "invasion" to possession; and "the noonday demon" to melancholia, the thing that you can see clearly in the brightest part of the day but that nonetheless comes to wrench your soul away from God." p.292 ~ 293
- Mar 11 Sun 2012 00:59
A Clash of Kings - George R.R. Martin