"His truth shall compass thee with a shield: thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night./Of the arrow that flieth in the day, of the business that walketh about in the dark: of invasion, or of the noonday demom" - "ab incrusus, et daemonio meridiano." Cassian presumed that "the terror of the night" refers to evil; "the arrow that flies in the day" to fiends that come in sleep; "invasion" to possession; and "the noonday demon" to melancholia, the thing that you can see clearly in the brightest part of the day but that nonetheless comes to wrench your soul away from God." p.292 ~ 293

"People who have been through a depression and are stabilized often have a heightened awareness of the joyfulness of everyday existence. They have a capacity for a kind of ready ecstasy and for an intense appreciation of all that is good in their life." p.434

The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon

ISBN-10: 0684854678


(詩篇 91 篇) "他的誠實、是大小的盾牌:你必不怕黑夜的驚駭、或是白日飛的箭,也不怕夜行的瘟疫、或是正午的惡魔。" ─”ab incrusus, et daemonio meridano” (正午惡魔的拉丁文)。西元五世紀時,基督教卡西安認定「黑夜的驚駭」指邪惡,「白日飛的箭」指敵人的襲擊,「夜行的瘟疫」指潛進睡夢的魔鬼,而「正午的惡魔」指憂鬱症: 日正當中時可以清楚看到它,但還是會把你的靈魂從上帝身邊拉開 - 英文版 p292~293

"經歷過憂鬱症而已經穩定下來的人們,對日常生活中的小小喜悅更加敏銳,他們能夠感受到信手拈來的快樂,深刻品嚐生命裡所有的美好。" - 英文版 p434

 正午惡魔 - 憂鬱症記實


中譯版在此 譯者:鄭慧華


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