目前分類:星期六讀書日 (7)

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「太后,你太忠厚,他們那些個花樣,我說了你也不會信。 可有一件,」

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"His truth shall compass thee with a shield: thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night./Of the arrow that flieth in the day, of the business that walketh about in the dark: of invasion, or of the noonday demom" - "ab incrusus, et daemonio meridiano." Cassian presumed that "the terror of the night" refers to evil; "the arrow that flies in the day" to fiends that come in sleep; "invasion" to possession; and "the noonday demon" to melancholia, the thing that you can see clearly in the brightest part of the day but that nonetheless comes to wrench your soul away from God." p.292 ~ 293

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"This girl's to be your queen," the Imp told Joffery. "Have you no regard for her honor?"

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"Halibut's also good smoked. You wouldn't guess that, would you? Ron brines it and smokes it. Almost like smoked salmon, but not so strong. We'll even lay thin slices of halibut out in the sun and dry it just like that. Right out on the deck. It's good." Joan said

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     Keller was once well known for his temper. Many of the cooks who worked under him hated him. When one of his line cooks once complained about a late walk-ing, Keller fired the cook on the spot. You want to go home, go home, Keller said. The young cook pleaded and pleaded. But fired means fired.

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"就像鏟雪一樣,只要下起雪來,我就會有效地把它鏟到路邊去。" p.31

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在李鴻章所撥借的炮隊協攻之下,曾國荃所部在五月底攻占了“龍膊子”,其地在江宁城外東北的鐘山之巔,居高臨下,俯瞰全城。此地一失,“忠王”李秀成束手 無策了。曾國荃用兵,獨得一“韌”字;苦苦圍困到這般地步,要韌出頭了,更不肯絲毫怠慢,下令各營,由四面收束,直往里逼,逼近城下,晝夜猛攻。而真正的 作用是,借無時或已的炮聲,遮掩他掘地道的聲響。

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